This morning Stig and I took a quick trip out to the China Flight Museum. Dodged most of the rain storms moving through the area - didn't get too wet. Stig is the one to blame for my interest in the Chang S/C's. He has two - one is his 'beater' or daily driver(shown in the pic) and the other he keeps under wraps in his garage. That one only has 50 kilometers on it. Not sure what he is saving it for?!?!

The museum is located north of Beijing at an abandoned airstrip and hanger area. The hanger is actually craved out of a mountain. Amazing what can be accomplished with enough man power. Many aircraft and exhibits are staged in the massive hanger. The rest of the aircraft are parked in open fields, exposed to the elements & environment. Under those conditions, many of these old 'war birds' may not be around to enjoy in the near future.
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