May Day Ride 2010 - Planned for a three day event. Sabine's captures the results.
Bikers Dream & Reality!
List of repairs needed for my S/C after the ride:
1. Two tires worn out!
2. Broken spokes on two wheels.
3. Wheel bearing shredded on one wheel
4. Leaking front fork
5. Kick stand mount broken
6. Kick stand spring missing?
But we made it back home under our own power. True measure of a Great Ride!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
A Thursday Afternoon Ride!

Jim and Mr. Chen - fueling up the 'Big Rig'. BMW R1150GS with a highly modified sidecar.
Instead of an afternoon golf outing - we went for a S/C ride! We met at Mr. Chen's place around 11:00, then headed north to the Great Wall. Mr. Chen owns the largest car air bag company in the world. To say the least - he has a unique & different lifestyle. His compound includes a 10 car garage (each bay over sized) with a fully operational machine shop. Hummer, Dodge Quad dually diesel truck, a Jeep, a Bentley - counted 10 motorcycles/sidecars in his fleet. And probably many more - that was the inventory of the doors that were open. Gracious host - willing to share it all.

Topping off the tanks!

Very hot. Lunch break.

Rest stop at the Great Wall.
Great way to end a day of riding with 'the gang'.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
First Oil Change

Never realized that an oil change could be such a challenge. The BMW engine fitted to a Chang frame, although a match - it does make for a maintenance nightmare.
Sidecar removed along with the footpegs, followed by both exhaust headers. Front engine bolts removed, back bolts loosened. Entire bike raised, then the engine is lowered four inches with a tire jack to gain access to the filter cover. Oil is then drained by rocking back and forth. Reverse the assembly process, hoping that left over parts are not discovered. Start to finish - about a one hour job, by a tech that has done it a hundred times.
Lucky that it only has to be done every 10,000 Kilometers.
Friday, May 1, 2009
May Day Ride to the Flight Museum

This morning Stig and I took a quick trip out to the China Flight Museum. Dodged most of the rain storms moving through the area - didn't get too wet. Stig is the one to blame for my interest in the Chang S/C's. He has two - one is his 'beater' or daily driver(shown in the pic) and the other he keeps under wraps in his garage. That one only has 50 kilometers on it. Not sure what he is saving it for?!?!

The museum is located north of Beijing at an abandoned airstrip and hanger area. The hanger is actually craved out of a mountain. Amazing what can be accomplished with enough man power. Many aircraft and exhibits are staged in the massive hanger. The rest of the aircraft are parked in open fields, exposed to the elements & environment. Under those conditions, many of these old 'war birds' may not be around to enjoy in the near future.
Friday, April 24, 2009
New Stuff From Jimbo
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Street Walker
Saturday, April 11, 2009
where the Great Wall meets the water's edge....
Sometimes you just don't need to know....
Easter Saturday Ride to the Wall

Stayed overcast and cool the entire day - great riding weather. Covered 250 Kilometers.
Broken clutch cable at the handlebar lever, a common problem with the Changs. Again luck on my side, happened at the very end of the trip and I was able to ease her home in second gear. Will go to Jimbo's on Monday to get a replacement plus a spare. Old school technology - part of the adventure. Good reason to ride in groups and have your mechanic's phone number on speed dial.
Overall the sidecar is running better and better - or maybe I'm just getting more comfortable with it!?!?!?

First Flat Tire!

On my way this morning to meet with 'the gang' for a Saturday ride to the Great Wall. S/C start handling funny - flat rear tire!!
Must be living right - I was only a block away from Jim's shop. Slowly limped it in for a quick repair.

In and out in less than 20 minutes, small nail required a new tube and they also replaced the rubber spoke protector.
50 Yuan or 7 USD. Had to force them to take that. Discount Tire back home should be so quick and friendly!

Saturday, March 28, 2009
1st Day Trip for 2009 - Yongning Zhen
We met at Pinnacle Plaza around 930. Warm clear day in the forecast, but it's suppose to snow on Sunday!?!?

Total of five sidecars - small group, still early in the season - weather still too cold for some.
Layered up, but have decided that a full face helmet will be my next purchase, need more protection from the elements on these all day rides.

Covered two mountain ranges and one long valley - 300 Kilometers. Major learning experience for me as those tight, high speed, right turns are a hand full on a sidecar.
Made it back to north Beijing around 6p. I did not stay for the BBQ at 'The Lake'. Lucky I left when I did as it took 1.5 hrs to make it home due to heavy Saturday night traffic.
No mechanical problems! Bike ran great - really like the added punch provided by the new Mikuni carbs.
Lunch Time!
Ed's Chinese Family's Home

Corn is very abundant crop in this valley. Large drying bins full of corn line the streets along the way.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wooden Sidecar

Earlier this week, Bec and I went shopping (toys for the grand kids). Found this wooden sidecar model and had to have it!
After two pain staking days, I finally got it all together - and without any parts left over. Instructions were not included in the kit!?!?.
Reminded me of the time I put a swing set together after the dog had eaten the instructions.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Not Good....
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Mikuni Carbs

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